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Living in a frozen paradise in the most northern part of Weflia. They have crafted an ice castle to home their king and queen.

This area is so cold every season that it never melts.


Physical description

Tundras are exceptionally equipped for dealing with harsh, cold weather. Their hide is thick and insulated and are equipped with fur making them look larger. 

They have short rounded ears, medium length manes, fangs, whiskers, ankle fluff and a fur tipped tail.



A clan that's regal and stunning, this clan prides themselves on their beauty and class. They somewhat “compete” with Avians for beauty but know that they aren't a challenge. 

This clan lives in a hierarchy with the most gorgeous and purest line of tundras on top and the alters in the lower class as servants or left on the streets to beg or thieve. 

Living in the second coldest place in valen they are well equipped with thick, luscious fur. 

Residing in northern Weflia in Glacial Hall as their capital. Living up to its name is entirely made of ice; this northern part of the continent never thaws which is perfect for this cold-dwelling clan.

King and Queen are the highest power of tundras. They only have control of their clan but try to convince the other clans to follow their lead of ruling in hopes to expand their reign.

Tundras are very egocentric but still take pride in their clan, priding themselves in their betterness than all others. 

Entertainment is favoured amongst this clan as they travel to other capitals around Valen for games and tournaments, sometimes rewarding the champions with riches if the entertainment was amusing enough. 


Alter status

Alters to them are the scum that walks the earth. They want nothing to do with them yet figure that they could put them to use to serve their every need, which there is plenty of. Alters are used as servants and are treated with such a lack of respect that it'd seem as they aren't Vexkins at all.

Visual Reference

Usually coloured with a light palette to blend in to their environment. 


















Large build, fluff.

Has fangs, short round ears, whiskers, medium sized mane, ankle fluff and tail tip fur.




Clan Territory
[Click image for small text]

vexkin clan territory.png
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