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How It Came To Be

The Stories of Valen

Canonically, modern day Vexkins know very little of Valens past due to the loss of archives throughout the ages. This is for you, the reader to really know what happened. 


First Age 

During the first age there were two deities of unknown origin. These beings were the epitome of good and evil. The evil deity, being unable to be defeated, was banished to the chasm of Jatral. Known to still be alive, it was only a matter of time before it awoke to attempt to conquer again. The good deity being weak from battling the evil couldn't stay in this world for long, thus they made an alternate dimension in Crescent Lake in Frale, which was known as the "Mirror Pool". Here they could continue to live and supply knowledge to those in need in case of the return of the evil deity. ​


Second Age

Valen has had many years of war between different clans and has finally come to peace. The king and queen welcome a new family and the future of vexkins looks bright. Unfortunately, these good times will come to an end shortly. While the queen is viewed as a treasure and a delicate vexkin, she sought to prove her capabilities to her king and kingdom after word of a stir at the great chasm has been reported. Her time has come to prove herself. She brings a fleet to Jatral and prepares for battle. In her mind, the evil deity is still sleeping and in a slumbering, sluggish state, she sought to strike it down. ​

The king, struck with worry, gathers his best men to head for Jatral. While about to depart, he receives news that the queen has been devoured by the deity. 

The news of this tragic loss destroyed the king. A piece of him died that day, and would never be the same.

The prince, devastated at the loss of his mother that he was so close to, took off to Jatral in search of the deity. 

As he approached the chasm he heard a familiar voice, the voice of his beloved mother. Gazing into the chasm, desperately searching for the queen, piercing eyes appear in the chasm, staring into the prince's eyes. 

The prince states he is there for the return of his mother. Hesitant to reply, the deity sees an opportunity, and tells the prince he may have the return of his mother, for a price. He must complete a task of the deity, if the prince fails, his mother and him must be servants to the deity. Overwhelmed with feelings, the prince agrees. 

The task was to dive to the bottom of the Boreal sea and receive a pearl as red as blood, then his mother would be freed. 

The deity knew the prince wouldn't be able to accomplish this impossible task. 

The prince failed. The queens essence is harnessed by the deity fueling it to regain its strength until its ready to crawl out of the chasm.

Unsure of what to do the King remembers a story passed on by his mother about a mirror pool that shows the lost a new path. 

Only having the princess by his side, he sets off to Frale with the last of his family. Upon approaching the pool a familiar image appeared of the queen. overrun with emotions the king reached for her in a panicked state before she faded with the ripples. The deity speaks to the king about the path that has been chosen by his family members and how he and the princess must choose the next route. While explaining that the other deity has taken the queens essence, in order to be able to protect them in the future, she too needs an essence in return. The king agrees to be her essence while the princess will be the vessel of the deities power in the physical realm. While the king is being taken into the mirror pool, the princess vows to do her best to rule the kingdom in his absence. The deity is pleased to hear how brave and understanding the princess is even after losing her family, the princess responds by stating her family isn't gone, and the vexkins of Valen are her family now and she must stand by them. After hearing this the deity had hope in her capabilities and granted the princess abilities beyond their world. 

with the prince corrupted and lost to power, and the princess blessed and a hope for Valen, the two sides were destined to fight over the kingdom for many years.




Third Age

Vexkins of old clans fought with all their might but had no avail. These clans were mighty and very much unlike the modern clans in the fourth age. These primal clans were called Remnants. unable to produce alters, these clans weren't united like they are today. Modern clans have come far to adapt to being around each other and have bonded well with other clans. 

These Remnant brood were sought after for Falmir's army due to their strength, this made the remnants have a collective decision made to go into hiding where Falmir cant find them. With this decision, they have chosen to have all of their archives destroyed to protect them from being searched for. These clan have successfully eluded both Falmir and modern versions of themselves. 

These clans are still in hiding today.


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