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What is a divine Vexkin?


A Divine Vexkin is one that is blessed by Elendria. This is a great honour as she chose this Vexkin to be a part of her cause as a recruit for the search for peace. Gifted with great power, these Vexkins are highly renowned throughout Valen and are truly a match for Falmir’s army. 

While these Vexkins are free to roam the continent, most reside in Elendria's sanctuary in Frale waiting to be sent out as soldiers and peacekeepers. 


What do they look like?


All divine Vexkins will have a glowing/bright coloured mouth and eyes and a unique crystal breaking through their hide. 

This crystal form is coming from within.
















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Elendria's Gift


A blessing to the direct soul of a Vexkin. This gift is so great it breaks through their hide allowing these crystals to be formed. The crystals are flat against the body as they come from within and stay once they appear,  usually stopping growth once they first break through. Recorded research shows that the gift takes time to fully form on any given vexkin, it may take years for the crystals to break through. This gift doesn’t come without great power. All divine Vexkins are able to telepathically communicate and sense their well-being within a certain distance from one another as well as disperse pain of their comrades in order to fight longer. This is extremely risky however, as the damage can be severe if the injured vexkin can only feel part of the pain.

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