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Avians reside on Abrilian Peak in Abril. This mountain is steep and hazardous, yet a beautiful place to live or visit.


Physical description

The visual traits of an avian are of course feathers, long front talons and a feathered tail tip. These vexkins do not have wings but can have plumage on their shoulders that resemble wings. non-visual traits are their bones. Their bones are built differently from other vexkins and resemble birds, although they cannot fly, they are seen to be "floating" gracefully throught the air due to their light build and special bones.



They pride themselves on their appearance to others. Grooming and expensive style is their go to.

This clan lives in the mountains of Abril and Oskya. Adapted to the high winds and cold altitudes they like living up high, perhaps because they look down on the other clans.

They truly believe that they are gifts from the universe that the other clans should look up to.

They have had altercations with the Tundra clan in the past due to their stubborness.


Alter status

The purebloods rule this clan. Any Alters are very frowned upon in their society, and are banished to lower altitudes to be glared at from the higher ups. The Alters are not to be associated with their perfect homes and aren't to be meddled with.

Visual Reference

They come in a wide array of colourations. They usually resemble patterns and colours of birds.




















Light build, athletic.

Feathers on head, shoulders/back, tail, tail tip. Talons on hands, colours take after birds.




Clan Territory
[Click image for small text]

vexkin clan territory.png
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