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History of Valen

Ages On Record

Every age equals one thousand years time.


First Age 

  • unknown clans, records mostly lost to time or undiscovered.

  • Mysterious Deities have existed since this time, no one knows when they came to be.


Second Age

  • Clan history missing. Records state hierarchy and names of notable Vexkins. 

  • Names stated below.


Third Age

Clans history seemingly destroyed intentionally.  Maps have been recovered but damage insists they were intended to be ruined. 


  • During this age clan history has been seemingly erased, however scholars have uncovered small clues hinting as to who these clans were and are currently uncovering the mysteries of their past. Common questions are bouncing around; Who are these Vexkins? Why did they try to destroy their own history?


Fourth Age

  • Present day is at the end of the fourth age.

Notable Vexkins During the Second Age

Elendria, The Pure

  • Daughter of the king and queen.

  • Raised as a seeker, one that holds high capacity for magick .

  • A loving soul that sparks joy in those she meets.

  • Close to her family, especially Falmir. She is the oldest child.

  • Close friends with members of the Royal Order.

Falmir, The Vile

  • Son of the king and queen.

  • Raised as a mercenary, has a natural talent for combat. 

  • A quiet soul, keeps thoughts to himself but is very open to friends and family.

  • Close to his family, Especially Elendria. He is the youngest child.

  • Close friends with members of the Royal Order

Hereces, The Scholar

  • Scholar of the Royal Order

  • In charge of administering lessons and discovering new knowledge to supply to the writ lord.

  • Knew the king before his marriage. 

  • He is well trusted amongst the royal family.

Alamine, The Oracle

  • Oracle for the Royal Order 

  • A seer of upcoming events. Only able to see glimpses of what's to come. 

  • Joined the order by invitation. Used to be a hermit until found by an expedition survey. Is seen as a bit of an odd Vexkin due to her constant ramblings. 

  • Her visions have prepared the kingdom for many events, good and bad.

Sentra, The Champion

  • Champion for the Royal Order 

  • Controls the mercenaries and has been the one to teach Falmir his knowledge of combat and strategy.

  • Joined the order by invitation. She became well renowned after being forced to compete in an illegal arena. 

  • The royal family trusts her with their lives.

Kindred, The Arbiter

  • Arbiter of the Royal Order

  • An ambassador that discusses relations throughout Valen. Is in charge of vocal disputes.

  • Joined the order using her witty words which convinced the king to let her join. He saw value in her. 

Icarin,  The Writ Lord

  • Writ Lord of the Royal Order

  • In charge of documentation and safe keeping of all history of Valen. 

  • Asked to join because of his love for books and knowledge. Having a grand library was his dream. 

  • Very trusted by the royal family and has served for a long period of time.

Vermenthesis, The Warden

  • Warden of the Royal Order

  • Stationed at the chasm of Jatral. He is a mysterious being. In charge of keeping the strange force imprisoned in the chasm, he stands guard year round. Holds magical power to enforce confinement. 

  • Discovered on an Expedition to Jatral and asked to join the Royal Order. He is supplied troops and anything else he requires.

Rindrad, The King

  • Third king of Valen. Strives to provide more than his predecessors. He seeks to unite all of Valens Territories, which has proven difficult due to the lack of trust and conflict throughout the clans.

  • Had a harsh father that ruled with an iron fist.

Quell, The Queen

  • Grew up in poverty.

  • known for her beauty and wisdom throughout Valen.

  • Some would see her unfit to rule.

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