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Basic Info

While large in nature, Vexkins can be sweet and docile. They are curious, active and love companionship. No Vexkin is the same, all are unique with a wide array of personalities.


Vexkins are very intelligent beasts and have an advanced civilization. Focusing on adapting to their land and embracing each other in the harsh times they face. War.


Two sides. The first being The Divine, fighting for the peace they once had. Pure and sacred, they're believed to one day save Valen and restore it to its former beauty. Most Vexkins dream of these days where they can travel freely and have sanctuary at last. Their leader is one of the fairest Vexkins, Elendria. She brings hope and refuge in these dire times.


Then there's The Corrupted. A foul and dark presence that wants power and chaos to run throughout the land. Taking over as many vexkins as they can, they slowly build an army. Preying on those cast out and insecure, to give them a purpose, even if its for the wrong cause. They believe vexkins are strongest above all else and their leader, Falmir, is controlling his corrupted army through fear. Threatening death upon their families and a life of torment, and using the insecurities of Alters to give them the illusion of worth. 


Across the lands of Valen war breaks loose and refugees flee to other lands. Some welcome them with open arms and safe shelters, others not as much. Some clans banter and brawl, complaining that they bring misfortune and poverty. All of this leading to more separation, just what The Corrupted want.



Vexkin families can be as complex and problematic as they are loving and inclusive.

While most Vexkins are loyal to their partner, affairs do happen, usually to escape arranged marriages and to seek their true love of a different clan. 



Vexkins are born from eggs. Usually a clutch of one egg is layed, up to two is rare and 3 is the max and rarest. Mothers tend to their children and are extremely protective. 



After 25 years they are considered an adult through to 95 and live to 140.



As omnivores, Vexkins will eat almost anything. The food they enjoy more than anything is fish! The fish market is extremely popular as clans travel far for their feast of fish. 



Vexkins love hobbies, many collect, tinker and craft. Certain clans are profound in certain hobbies, some are known for their creations and others their performances.



Clans, status and wealth play factors in what Vexkins can wear, this also means wearing fancy clothes leaves an unspoken statement. Some clans are very proud to flaunt their garments.

Anatomy Of A Vexkin
[Click Image For Small Text]

All Vexkins have traits in common. 

Large hoods similar to a cobra, large hind feet, opposable thumbs, very long tails, defined muscular builds, aerodynamic bodies, brow spots, long tongues, sharp claws,strong limbs and three nose plates.

*These traits are what is required for the species, you will not be yelled at for forgetting to add something though.

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