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~Once a loving child and brother~


Falmir's personality is known to others as quiet and reserved, but the only one who really knew his feelings was the person he was closest to, his mother. He took to her guidance as she understood him more than anyone else. While his sister also cared for him deeply, he would spend most of his time alone and contemplating who he was and how he would rule when the time came.

Over the years he spent a lot of time training with Sentra the Champion of the Royal Order in preparation for his ruling as every king needs to know how to fight. 

During the second age, the loss of his mother to the evil deity in the chasm caused him to spiral into chaos. His emotions skewed and took over him. These emotions led to his demise as he accepts an impossible challenge from the deity in return for his mother. He falls victim and is now harnessed by the deity to do its dirty work until the time comes for this deity to awaken and devour the world as it attempted in the first age.

Now consumed with hatred he executes orders from the deity in his place. Once a loving boy that turned a monster in hopes of having his mother back.


The Pure & The Vile



Who is Falmir?


Known as Falmir The Vile, his title is well earned. Believed to be the most cruel and heartless Vexkin to walk Valen, he is feared far and wide. Clans fear to even speak his name. 

Throughout the years Falmir has been recruiting an army made up of alters lost and banished from their clans. His belief is that Vexkins are the most powerful beings and he plans to prove it by ruling over them by force. 

His clan is unknown.


What does he look like?


Falmir is larger than any known Vexkin. He has a cooler hue, has faint stripes and a mane that is facing forward. Two sharp, jagged horns sit in front of his pointed large bat-like ears. His eyes are a bright red and his muzzle and hood are pointed.





















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