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Living in both south Oskya and their homeland of north Astrania in Tempest Coast.

Filled to the brim with danger from the flora and fauna to the raging storms that frequently occur.  


Physical description

Conductors live up to their name with their ability to harness electricity, which can be done with their ribbon tails and conduction holes. They also sport long length manes, large ears and a lightning bolt shaped tail tip.



The wisest group of Vexkins known. They pride themselves with their intelligence and skill for science. Known for their inventions that they share with the rest of the clans and paving the way for future generations. Members of this clan are mostly independent and introverted. Having the ability to harness electrical currents makes them rather powerful amongst the clans. They prefer to avoid conflict, yet will defend themselves when it's necessary. 

With their capital as Tempest Coast, they have access to the most stormy areas in all of Valen. Specially adapted to the rainforests and harsh weather, this clan gets their solitude, yet still traverses great distances to release their new findings to the other clans' capitals. Despite the weather, beautiful flora and fauna thrive in the rainforest. Although beautiful, some species are extremely deadly; Conductors build treehouses to avoid the dangers of the ground and benefit from the storms.

Respected by other clans they do their best to come up with custom inventions to make life easier for others. 


Alter status

Alters are seen as a common occurrence to this clan and they view them as any other vexkin.

Visual Reference

Wides array of colours and patterns are possible for this clan to have. 


















Normal build with flowing traits.

Large mane in an upward position with fur along its back, large ears, lightning bolt shaped tail tip, two ribbon tails, “holes” on side of the body, usually the same as “energy” colour.



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Clan Territory
[Click image for small text]

vexkin clan territory.png
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