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What is a corrupt Vexkin?


Recruited by Falmir, these Vexkins have been transformed into his personal army.

Raised and brainwashed to do his bidding, or perish, these Vexkins hold a great intensity and force that strikes fear into vexkins at a glance. Residing in Falmir’s Domain, they eagerly await his commands. Bloodthirsty and malicious, these Vexkins are not believed to be who they once were before the corruption. 

Is there a way to change them back?


What do they look like?


All Corrupt Vexkins will have a dark coloured mouth and eyes/sclera with a dark ooze dripping from their mouth, however their pupils will be bright/glowing.

They also have an intriguing gem cluster growing from their skin.

Its believed to be fused to them.









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Falmir's Curse


A sickly parasitic disease, it feeds off the body and soul of a vexkin. This Curse morphs Vexkins into a deadly warrior. These gems grow on Vexkins hide and gradually gives them power and lack of mercy until taking them over completely, harnessing their mind to pump in an unknown chemical to destroy their common sense and corrupt their emotions. Some reports claim that strong willed Vexkins have been able to Fight off the curse in the early stages. 

These Vexkins at maximum corruption are able to give orders telepathically and leaders of war fleets are able to control a fallen corrupted vexkin for a short period of time if they are near the body. This ability is especially dangerous for the Divine to deal with.


Stages and symptoms - 


Early stages have minor effects on the corrupt. They have been commonly reported as feeling like a mere cold. These Vexkins are relatively safe to be around as they are still themselves.


*Early stages can last 1 - 5 years, depending on the mental stability and will of the Vexkin. This can still be reversed, but this depends on the host.*


Mid staged corruption starts to affect the mind and take hold in the corrupt.

This causes the mind to go into fight or flight mode and react aggressively. These vexkins are known to lash out suddenly and feel regret prior. They are unable to control their actions at times making them even more confused and concerned for themselves and others around them. Distance is recommended as they can get quite violent.


*Mid stages can last 2 - 4 years before the mind give in to the corruption. No known reports of reversal have been recorded. *


Late to final stages have minimal reports as studies have proved difficult to record. 

At these stages the mind of a corrupt vexkin is almost split, as if two separate entities. The corruption takes over the actions and feels no mercy, while the original thoughts seem to be trapped inside, forced to endure the cruel actions of this corruption.

Do not approach these vexkins under any circumstance. They are not themselves. They cannot control themselves. Although they still hold past memories, they lack the ability to harness their emotions.


*Late stages last until the end of the life of the host.*





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