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Areas of Valen

Abril - 


A northern country full of mountains and waterfalls. These treacherous peaks are popular among adrenaline seekers as they are riddled with snow and avalanches occur regularly.

In summer the snow melts revealing a beautiful landscape of forest and meadows in which many creatures shed their winter pelts to relax and enjoy the warmth and safety they've been waiting for.


Abril is home to the Avian clan. While adventuring to Abril is risky in the winter months, it is quite a popular destination during summer due to its unmatched beauty. The Avian clan loves to boast to those journeying to their homeland about its beauty, but all the while, they do make good hosts.


Oskya -


A secluded country forgein to major buildings and development. This country is wild grown and used as a conservation area due to the high amounts of rare and endangered species. The only buildings that reside in Oskya are treehouses belonging to the Conductor clan and some ruins from the past.


Edrel -


The center of Valen that is the most commonly traversed. Home to the Fin clan and full of vibrant, wide forms of life. The Central Depths is located here, which is the deepest lake in Valen. The bottom is said to be untouchable. With both snowy mountain ranges in the northern region and dusty plains to the south make this one of Valens most diverse locations.


Edrel is home to the Fin clan. They welcome travelers to their home which doubles as an extremely popular fish market. The market gets daily visitors from other clans across the land and is known for their great prices and hospitality.


Weflia -


This part of Valen consists of glacial deserts in the north and sandy plains in the south. Each of these areas are extremely dangerous. In the north there is a perpetual winter, while the south is scorched with an unending heat.

The most Northern part of Weflia homes the Tundra clan at their Glacial Hall.

While not popular amongst travelers, Weflia sports some fantastic views and vast species of plants that are surprisingly well adapted to the different climates.


The Tundra clan adores company as they don't get too many visitors being so far north due to the cold. 

They are fantastic hosts and supply many blankets. Their servants are constantly working to keep the company's needs in check.


North Odrad - 


Home to the most popular dock in Valen. Ran by the Groundbreaker clan due to the fact they have extraordinary ships to traverse the Dark sea. They also run a port that transports goods between the mainland and South Odrad to their clan's capitol. 

This land is very traversed as caravans have plenty of inventory for the clans creating a supply chain connecting them. 


Astrania - 


Tropical and lush with life. This place is home to Conductors at Tempest coast with their unique style of homes in the trees above the dangerous forest floor. While beautiful, it has a cost with the large amount of threats. 


The conductors welcome visitors and are very protective of them as they would hate for their guests to get injured during their stay. 


South Odrad -


Can be described in two words; Hot, and humid. Host to a scorching desert and muggy savannah lands, but the land to the west is unnamed and untraversed. This land is just known to be a sweltering mire, which interests no one into traveling across it.


Homeland to both the Toxin and Groundbreaker clan. 

The Groundbreaker live on the savannah, with great structures and impressive architectures that bring tourists to come and see their design. While the Toxin clan aren't very social, they like visitors to pickpocket and rob. The dunes of the desert hide old ruins that are mostly used for highwayman camps.

Unique Areas of Valen

Frale -


A tropical island that oozes pure beauty. This is the land that Elendria and her Divine reside. 

These times of war mean they have little time to enjoy their sanctuary. Vexkins do not travel to their island out of respect for Elendria and her comrades as they fight to protect them.

Frale has a mountain range along the east side bordering the ocean, this is to help protect the sanctuary from intruders. The Crescent Lake is a mysterious place. No one really knows what power resides there but it has been reported in the old days to give off a strange, mystical feeling to those near.  


Spring Isles -


Known to be in a constant state of spring, this isle has been documented to have a constant bloom of flowers all year round


Drifting holm - 


A medium island that drifts around the seas never finding its place. Truly an odd phenomenon. 


Burning Key - 


A blistering hot island that has scorched earth and lava caverns. Vexkins cannot travel to this land due to its extreme heat.


Shadowed Ait- 


Across the dark sea lies a dark and gloomy isle. Toxic to go near. The heat just makes it worse. Uninhabitable and desolated. 


Distant Haven - 


Surrounded by crashing waves and storms, this island is impossible to travel to by ship. What rests here is unknown. Old maps have shown a couple lakes located there, but nothing else has been passed down.


Frigid Chain -


A chain of islands that are connected underneath the sea. Researchers of old have recorded the possibility that they were once one island, however the weather has encased it in ice. Vexkins are unable to travel here due to the glaciers surrounding the islands.


Jatral -


An icy wasteland to the harshest degree. Dedicated as Falmir’s lair where he plots his schemes. South borders are surrounded by icy peaks to keep infiltrators from entering. A large chasm strikes deep within Jatral, none knowing how deep it really goes. Those in Falmir’s army have heard deep, monstrous tones echoing within. Being the most bleak place in Valen, Falmir believes this is the best place to train his army to prepare for the most bitter of conditions.


Severed Enclave -


From the mainland the mountains are too treacherous to pass, and from the sea the fog is unnavigable. Vexkins have been curious what lies beyond the mist.  Reports from Conductors in tempest coast have noticed a series of flashing lights on a clear night, this just piqued curiosity from the clans.

Map Of Valen
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